If hot flashes and night sweats weren’t enough, many women who reach their
menopause years have an additional adversary to contend with.
They experience weight gain around the belly and waist, and they quickly learn
it’s a struggle to do anything about it.
“Somewhere around menopause, many women find their clothes becoming a size too
small,” says Mache Seibel, M.D., a leading American expert on menopause and
author of
The Estrogen Window.
“Why is that? Is it simply an aging issue or is it directly related to
menopause and the lack of estrogen?”
Seibel says that part of the problem behind what some people call the
“middle-age spread” is visceral fat that lies deep within the abdominal
cavity, and is different from the subcutaneous fat that lies directly under
the skin. Visceral fat (Seibel says it could just as well be called “vicious
fat”) can contribute to a host of diseases that increase the risk of heart
disease, high blood pressure, stroke, joint disease and type 2 diabetes.
A large number of studies, he says, show that postmenopausal women have
greater amounts of visceral fat compared to premenopausal women. One
contributing reason is the natural decline of estrogen levels in the body.
And, of course, health problems aren’t the only concern when weight gain
starts happening.
“Studies show that being overweight or obese is more than a medical issue,”
Seibel says. “It also affects quality of life and self-esteem.”
Seibel suggests that women who want to control the accumulation of visceral
fat should explore a regimen that combines diet and exercise efforts with
estrogen therapy. Specifically, he says:
Discuss with your physician the possibility of taking estrogen at the opening
of your “estrogen window.” “That will offer the easiest and best solution to
controlling an expanding waistline and living a fit and energized life,”
Seibel says. The “estrogen window” represents the ideal time to begin estrogen
replacement. The window opens the moment a woman enters menopause. Exactly
when it closes is more difficult to determine, Seibel says. Generally, it’s a
10-year time frame, but that can vary and women should have ongoing
discussions with their physicians, he says.
Increase your fresh fruit and vegetable consumption by adding two or three
more servings to your daily diet. Broccoli, string beans and cauliflower are
good choices for vegetables, and fermented foods such as kimchi and sauerkraut
also are recommended.
Work up to walking 10,000 steps a day. You don’t need to train for a marathon
or an Ironman competition to establish a good fitness routine, Seibel says.
But by simply injecting a little walking into your daily routine, you help
create a healthier you.
Lowering stress and improving sleep also contribute to feeling better and
staying trim.
“Having a fit body and maintaining consistent energy levels in midlife isn’t
easy,” Seibel says. “Yes, nature and time are working against you. But doing
nothing isn’t an option. That’s why it’s important to create habits and set
goals you can stick with. Time spent on you isn't lost; it's invested.”
And the ROI is a healthier, happier and more vibrant life.
Essentials Oils for your Diffuser/Bath to Help Ease Menopause Symptoms Naturally
In order to receive any therapeutic benefits from Essential Oils, you need to
look for natural, quality oils. Our editors use Young Living because of its
seed to seal cultivating process.
A 2014 study
published in the Journal of Phytotherapy Research found that
inhalation of clary sage oil had the ability to reduce cortisol levels by 36%
and improved thyroid hormone levels (TSH). The study was done on 22
post-menopausal women in their 50’s, some of which were diagnosed with
depression and at the end of the trial the researchers stated that “clary sage
oil had a statistically significant effect on lowering cortisol and had an
anti-depressant effect improving mood”. The biggest benefit of clary sage is
that studies show it helps balance out estrogen production in the body.
Dragon Time Bath & Shower Gel
Try the
Dragon Time Bath and Shower gel
infused with Geranium, Tangerine, Sage and Clary Sage for a calming and
soothing bath gel. Young Living also offers the Dragon Time Essential Oil
blend that can be used in a diffuser, in the bath or topical with a carrier
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